Portsmouth Gateway Group as the "Developer" of the project brings world class capabilities and a long term commitment to the traveling public during the construction and operating phases of State Route 823. ODOT has moved into the vanguard of highway project delivery via the Private Public Agreement (PPA) that binds the Portsmouth Gateway Group (PGG) with highly detailed project, cost and time commitment – bringing the best value to the public via private expertise in an effective partnership.

One interesting fact is that the project requires moving more than 20 million cubic yards of earth. To gain a perspective on how much that is - if a football sized field were piled high with that much material it would reach two miles into the sky. That's a lot of material and most of it is actually made of rock!
Twenty million cubic yards of earth have been moved!

The project has made excellent progress so far. The men and women who are crafting the project get an early start and work long hours through the course of their work day. They work hard to minimize the noise, dust, mud and general inconveniences that come with construction progress that promises to bring more opportunities to Southern Ohio and the larger Applachian Region.